
- Fertile, well-drained, alluvial or simply red loamy soil, free of coarse elements and full of nitrogen is ideal for maize cultivation. Maize can be grown on wide range of soils including loamy sand to clay loam while heavy clayey soil is not suitable . Soil with fine organic matter containing good water holding capacity with pH ranging from 5.5-7.5 is good for increasing yield.
- Temperature of 18-23 °C for sowing and 28 °C temperature is considered good for growth and development. Maize requires sufficient moisture in the soil since its inception.

Maize crop may take 6 to 7 plough to bring the soil to fine tilth. Apply 4-6 tons/acre of well decomposed cow dung across the field, also apply 10 Azospirillum packets in field. Prepared furrow and ridges with 45 cm to 50 cm spacing.

- Kharif – May end, with the onset of monsoon.
- Spring crops – Late February to March end.
Baby corn – all the year round, except December and January
Sweet corn – Kharif and Rabi

SEED RATE (per acre)
8-10 kg/acre

- Kharif maize : 60 cm (row to row) x 20 cm (plant to plant)
- Sweet corn : 60 cm (row to row) x 20 cm (plant to plant)
- Baby corn: 60 cm (row to row) x 15-20 cm (plant to plant)
- Fodder corn: 30 cm (row to row) x 10 cm (plant to plant)
Sowing depth: 3-4 cm.
For sweet corn cultivation keep depth of sowing to 2.5 cm

To protect seeds from soil borne diseases, insect and pests; seed treatment is necessary.
- To protect seeds from downy mildew, treat the seed with Carbendazim or Thiram@ 2gm/kg of seeds. After chemical treatment, treat seed with Azospirillum@600gm+ rice gruel and shade dry seeds for 15-20 minutes. Azosprillum helps in fixing of atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.
- Imidacloprid 70WS @ 5 ml/ kg seed
- Captan @ 2.5 g/kg seed
- Carbendazim + Captan (1:1)@ 2 g/ kg seed

Apply irrigation immediately after sowing. In rainy season, if rain is satisfactory then it is not needed. Avoid water stagnation in early phase of crop and provide good drainage facility. Crop required less irrigation during early stage, wile after 20 to 30 days of sowing it requires irrigation once in a week. Seedling, knee height stage, flowering and grain feeling are the most sensitive stage for irrigation. Water stress at this stage can cause huge loss in yield. In case of water scarcity, irrigate alternate furrow.

Stage | Products & Dosage |
At sowing | Shriram Urea 55 kg/acre |
SSP 150 kg/acre |
MOP 20 kg/acre |
Shriram Zinc Sulphate 21% 10 kg/acre |
Shriram Forza 25 kg/acre |
At first irrigation | Shriram Ziva 2.5 kg/acre |
At knee height stage | Shriram Urea 30 kg/acre |
At tasseling | Shriram Urea 25 kg/acre |
At silking | Shriram Calific 1.5 ml/acre |
At grain filling | Shriram SOP 2 kg/acre |

Products & Disease / Pest | Dosage |
Shriram Atrazin Weeds |
600 – 800 g/acre |
Shriram Mono 36 Shootfly |
250 ml/acre |
Shriram Phorate 10 G Stem borer |
4 kg/acre |
Shriram Mancozeb Leaf blight |
600 g/acre |