
- It can be grown on a variety of soils with low permeability and pH varying from 5.0 to 9.5.
Climate –
- Sowing Temperature – 20-30°C
- Harvesting Temperature – 16-27° C
- Rainfall – 100-200cm

The land preparation for paddy cultivation covers a wide range of operations as mentioned below:
- Ploughing
- Harrowing
- Puddling & Levelling

Nursery –
- Kharif – June (1st – 3rd Week)
- Rabi – November (2nd – 4th Week)
Transplanting –
- Kharif – July (1st – 3rd Week)
- Rabi – December (2nd – 4th Week)

SEED RATE (per acre)
- Hybrid Crop: 4-5 kg/acre
- Open Pollinated Crop: 10-12 kg/acre

- 20 cm (Row to Row) X 10 cm (Plant to Plant)

- Treat the seed with 4 g streptocycline sulphate per 25 kg seed or use 40 g plantomycine. Make solution in 45 liter water and dip the seed in it for night, dry it in shade and sow it it in nursery to control Bacterial blight. OR
- Make solution of 75 g thiram or 50 g carbendazim in 8-10 liter of water to treat 25 kg seed. Dip the seed in it for few minutes and allow it to germinate before sowing in nursery.

In absence of rains irrigate the crop at below mentioned statges –
- Tillering
- Ear emergence
- Flowering
- Grain filling

Stage | Products & Dosage |
At the time of land preparation | Shriram Urea 35 kg/ acre |
DAP 40 kg/ acre |
MOP 30 kg/ acre |
Shriram Zinc 21%/ 33% 10/5 kg/acre |
At the time of transplanting | Shriram Ziva 2.5 kg/acre |
At tillering stage | Shriram ZinDrip 1.5 ml/acre |
20 days after planting | Shriram Urea 35 kg/ acre |
30 days after planting | Shriram Ferrous Sulphate 10 kg/acre |
40 days after planting | Shriram Urea 30 kg/acre |
45-50 days of planting | Shriram Gen-Zed 1.5-2 kg/acre |
60 days after planting | Shriram Sathi 1.5-2 kg/acre |
Shriram Boss 200 g/acre |
At grain filling stage | Shriram Prabal 1.5-2 kg/acre |

Products & Disease / Pest | Dosage |
Shriram Buta Power Narrow & Broad leaf Weeds |
1 – 1.2 liter/acre |
Shriram Pretila Narrow & Broad leaf Weeds |
600 ml/acre |
Shriram Joso Narrow & Broad leaf Weeds |
80 – 120 ml/acre |
Shriram Speedkill Narrow & Broad leaf Weeds |
80 g/ acre (main field) 20 g/ 400 sq metre (nursery) |
Shriram PaddyStar Blast |
300 ml/acre |
Shriram Zinzoca Sheath Blight, Brown Spot, Blast, Grain discolouration |
400 – 500 g/acre |
Shriram Bucona Blast & Sheath Blight |
300 ml/ acre |
Shriram Aleksy Sheath Blight |
300 ml/ acre |
Shriram Cartap 4G Leaf folder & Stem borer |
7 – 10 kg/acre |
Shriram Shimog BPH |
80 g/acre |
Shriram Hopnip BPH, WBPH,Small BPH |
120 ml/acre |
Shriram Shahenshah Plus Leaf folder & Stem borer |
100 ml/ acre |

Shriram Reshma, Shriram 453, Shriram 432, Shriram 742, Shriram 744, Shriram 753, Shriram Ageti, Shriram Khushboo, Shriram Nandita, Shriram 737, Shriram 732, Shriram 734, Shriram 438, Shriram Subhat 734 Gold, Shriram Super 505, Shriram Super 1122, Shriram Super 4433, Shriram Super 4400, Shriram Super 4466