- 13.32 kg/acre (Barley)
- 16.64 kg/acre (Jassids in Barley)
- 20 kg/acre (Bajra)
- 13.32 kg/acre (Shoot Fly in Sorghum)
- 3.32 kg/acre (Sorghum)
- 20 kg/acre (Pod Borer in Groundnut)
- 13.32 kg/acre (Groundnut)
- 6.64 kg/acre (Potato)
- 13.32 kg/acre (Jassids in Potato)
- 10 kg/acre (Paddy)
- 20 kg/acre (Nematodes in Paddy)
- 20 kg/acre (Soybean)
- 26.64 kg/acre (Sugarcane)
- 13.32 kg/acre (Chillies)
- 4 kg/acre (Wheat)
- 26.64 kg/acre (Cereal cyst nematode in wheat)
- 26.64 kg/acre (Brinjal)
- 33 – 166 g/ sucker (Depending on insects in Banana)
- 13.32 kg/acre (Pea)
Method of
Target Crop:
Bajra, Groundnut, Potato, Paddy, Soybean, Sugarcane, Chilli, Wheat, Brinjal, Pea
Bajra, Groundnut, Potato, Paddy, Soybean, Sugarcane, Chilli, Wheat, Brinjal, Pea
- Aphid; Jassids; Cyst nematode (Barley)
- Shoot fly (Bajra)
- Shoot fly, Stem borer Pod borer (Groundnut)
- White grub (Groundnut)
- Aphid, Jassids (Potato)
- Brown plant hopper, Gall midge, Stem borer, GLH, Hispa; Nematodes (Paddy)
- Root knot nematode (Soybean)
- Top borer (Sugarcane)
- Aphid, Thrips (Chillies)
- Ear cockle nematode, Cereal cyst nematode (Wheat)
- Root knot nematode, Reniform nematode (Brinjal)
- Rhizome weevil, Aphids, Nematode (Banana)
- Shoot fly, Aphids (Pea)
Time of Application:
At the time of insect infestation
At the time of insect infestation