13.32 kg/acre (Barley)
16.64 kg/acre (Jassids in Barley)
20 kg/acre (Bajra)
13.32 kg/acre (Shoot Fly in Sorghum)
3.32 kg/acre (Sorghum)
20 kg/acre (Pod Borer in Groundnut)
13.32 kg/acre (Groundnut)
6.64 kg/acre (Potato)
13.32 kg/acre (Jassids in Potato)
10 kg/acre (Paddy)
20 kg/acre (Nematodes in Paddy)
20 kg/acre (Soybean)
26.64 kg/acre (Sugarcane)
13.32 kg/acre (Chillies)
4 kg/acre (Wheat)
26.64 kg/acre (Cereal cyst nematode in wheat)
26.64 kg/acre (Brinjal)
33 – 166 g/ sucker (Depending on insects in Banana)
13.32 kg/acre (Pea)
Method of Application:
Target Crop:
Bajra, Groundnut, Potato, Paddy, Soybean, Sugarcane, Chilli, Wheat, Brinjal, Pea
Aphid; Jassids; Cyst nematode (Barley)
Shoot fly (Bajra)
Shoot fly, Stem borer Pod borer (Groundnut)
White grub (Groundnut)
Aphid, Jassids (Potato)
Brown plant hopper, Gall midge, Stem borer, GLH, Hispa; Nematodes (Paddy)
Root knot nematode (Soybean)
Top borer (Sugarcane)
Aphid, Thrips (Chillies)
Ear cockle nematode, Cereal cyst nematode (Wheat)
Root knot nematode, Reniform nematode (Brinjal)
Rhizome weevil, Aphids, Nematode (Banana)
Shoot fly, Aphids (Pea)
Time of Application:
At the time of insect infestation