400 – 600 ml/acre (Paddy)
320 – 400 ml/acre (Cabbage)
320 – 400 ml/acre (Chillies)
600 – 800 ml/acre (Sugarcane)
600 – 800 ml/acre (Cotton)
800 ml/acre (Bollworms in Cotton)
Method of Application:
Target Crop:
Cotton, Paddy, Cabbage, Chilli, Sugarcane
Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Green leaf hopper, Rice leaf hopper, Rice gall midge, Whorl maggot, WBPH (Paddy)
Diamond back moth (Cabbage)
Thrips, Aphids, Fruit borers (Chillies)
Early shoot borer, Root borer (Sugarcane)
Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, White fly, Boll worms (Cotton)
Time of Application:
At the time of insect infestation