250-500 ml/acre (Paddy)
250 ml/acre (Maize)
250 ml/acre (Black gram)
174.8 ml/acre (Green gram)
400 ml/acre (Pea)
250-500 ml/acre (Red gram)
600 – 900 ml/acre (Sugarcane)
450 – 900 ml/acre (Bollworms in Cotton)
150-500 ml/acre (Cotton)
600 – 800 ml/acre (Black aphids in Citrus)
375 – 500 ml/acre (Citrus)
600 – 800 ml/acre (Mango)
8.75-17.5 ml/ tree (Coconut)
624.8 ml/acre (Coffee)
374.8 ml/acre (Cardamom)
Method of Application:
Target Crop:
Paddy, Pea, Sugarcane, Cotton, Corn
BPH, GLH, Leaf folder, Yellow Stem Bore (Paddy)
Shoot fly (Maize)
Pod borer (Black gram)
Pod borer (Green gram)
Leaf minor (Pea)
Plume mouth, Pod borer, Pod fly (Red gram)
Shoot borer, Mealy bug, Pyrilla, Scale Insect, Stalk borer (Sugarcane)
Bollworms, Aphid, Leaf, Hopper, Grey weevil, Thrips, White fly (Cotton)
Black aphids, Mite (Citrus)
Bug mite, Gall maker, Hopper, Mealy bug, Shoot borer (Mango)
Black headed caterpillar (Coconut)
Green bug (Coffee)
Thrips (Cardamom)
Time of Application:
At the time of insect infestation