- 40 g/acre (Paddy)
- 40 g/acre (Cotton)
- 80 g/acre (Whiteflies in Cotton)
- 40 g/acre (Okra)
- 40 g/acre (Mango)
- 20 g/acre (Wheat)
- 20 – 40 g/acre (Mustard)
- 80 g/acre (Tomato)
- 80 g/acre (Brinjal)
- 40 g/acre (Tea)
- 40 g/acre (Foliar in Potato)
- 80 g/acre (Soil in Potato)
- 40 g/acre (Citrus)
Method of Application:
Target Crop:
Paddy, Cotton, Wheat, Mustard, Tomato, Brinjal, Potato, Bhindi
- Stem borer, Gall midge, Leaf Folder, WBPH, BPH, GLH, Thrips (Paddy)
- Jassid, Aphid, Thrips, White flies (Cotton)
- Jassid, Aphid,White flies (Okra)
- Hoppers (Mango)
- Aphid (Wheat)
- White flies (Tomato)
- White flies (Brinjal)
- Mosquito bug (Tea)
- Aphids (Potato)
- Psylla (Citrus)
Time of Application:
At the time of insect infestation